How to get a registered support account

Andrea Favalli
Added circa 10 anni ago

You need to login with a registered user in order to acces the Iride suite of products support information.
Please note that this site is intended solely for use by authorized Almawave customers, partners, and employees..

To get a registered support account, please follow these instructions:

  • Register to the site
    • Follow the link at the top right "Register" to get a registered account and specify a valid e-mail account.
    • After registering, your account will be subject to approval and can not yet be used to login.
  • Request for registration approval
    • To get the account approved, you have to send a detailed e-mail message to iridesupport specifying your project, the product version you are using, the contract information
    • An Iride Support rrepresentative will analize your request, and in the case it will be approved you will get your registered Iride Support site access